Sunday, June 1, 2008

Brides, Brides and more Brides!

Spent a wonderful time photographing Carla Roger and her entourage; traveled to the Clemson Campus and then to her and Jared's farm. It was a great time trying to keep Elvis (Jared's roping horse) off of Carla's dress. The pictures are wonderful...but I think Mary Helen was disappointed with me as I didn't snap the picture when Elvis looked the best...Can't wait to do the wedding..I have shopped extensively on EBAY for just the right cowboy wedding attire. I am a little nervous as I think I may look a little like Miss Kitty (Gunsmoke's famous bartender). Can't wait!

1 comment:

Tammie said...

I thought Elvis looked great!!
Can't wait until the next wedding!!
It has been fun the past year.